My mom’s best friend was a lady that was always there.

She was there when my mom and dad were young.

There too when they were older.

Now when I say older, I don't mean old.

Neither my mom nor my mom's best friend ever got old.

They especially never acted old.

I could not have kept up with them, if I tried.

They were like schoolgirls with their enthusiastic energy.

They would gather their plans and go at a moment's notice.

Neither my mom nor her best friend needed a reason.

They just needed a time and a place.

If they saw an opportunity they were off to the adventures that were waiting.

Once they had the opportunity and drove to Indiana where my mom's friend was from.

I heard their stories about the trip. I am sure there was more than was told.

I know that they did nothing wrong, it wasn't in them.

But fun! That was in them to discover!

My mom's best friend was not only there when my mom needed her.

She was also there when our family needed her.

My mom broke her leg and who was one of the first to arrive and definitely the last to leave? You guessed it. There to help her when when the rest of us were lost to get everything done that she usually accomplished.

She was also there when I was accepted in the High School Band, and no one had any idea how to construct the band uniform. She went right to work and before the first game I had a uniform and all the accessories. That was no small task, believe me.

Later when I got married she was there again. There was never a doubt that she would be there to help. I don't think I ever found the words to tell her how much she meant to me. I felt uncomfortable sometimes because I couldn't express how much it meant to have my wedding at the house that I spent so much time in. She had something in store for me though. She had told me that we would not be able to use the pool that was in her yard. Yet she gave permission to the groomsmen to throw me in the pool so that I would have a memory to this day adds so much to that day.

When my mom passed away she was there in so many ways. She was emotional and physical support. If not for her I don't think I could have managed to get through. Just knowing that my mom's best friend was there and I knew what my mom would want helped so much.

Unfortunately, my mom's best friend has passed away now. I feel more than a loss of my mom's best friend. I feel a loss of a family member and friend. I am not able to lend the support that she had given so freely. I am not only emotionally not strong enough to give as she had, but now am limited physically to do so. So once more I call on her to know and to help. Help me to know that she is now enjoying the privileges so earned here. So in this testament to just part of what I witnessed of her generosity. I hope to help and show what she meant to me and my family.



